Melissa Anderson

Elementary Teacher
East Pasco Adventist Academy
"They have afforded me several professional development opportunities."
John Sufficool

One-room School Teacher
Okeechobee Adventist Christian School
"The math coach's summer institute helped me understand and love math."
Tamarha Lubin

High School Math Teacher
Greater Miami Adventist Academy
"I appreciate FLCOE's support when it comes to personal and professional development."
What do FLCOE educators actually think about working here?
Be the difference.

Sabrina Miler, Associate Superintendent
Sabrina can talk with you about the available posts, connect you with the local school principal and board, and guide you through the process of determining where you would be the most impactful and of the greatest service to God's work as well as able to build your relationship with Him.
Florida Life Has Its Perks